Tag Archives: Loan

Bridging Loan Calculator

Bridging Loan Calculator

How much do Bridging Loans cost? Bridging loans are typically short term options which are “interest only” loans. The terms are usually 12 months in length but there are some options of 24 months to the right applicants. There are various types of Bridging loans but the most common is an interest only term with […]

Compare Business Loans

Business Loans

Find the Right Business Loan for Your Business Click the quote button below to Compare Business Loans. Compare Business Loans There are two main types of Business Loan. In principle they appear to be the same but they do have some differences: Secured – This is when a lender requires the funding to be secured […]

What is Merchant Cash Advance?

Merchant Cash Advance

Merchant Cash Advance To begin with Merchant cash advance is a new product on the market which has only been around for a short number of years. The concept is market leading and is growing in popularity as an alternative to the traditional business loan or overdraft. In short a Merchant Cash Advance is a […]



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